Education International

ATROAfghan Teachers' Rights Observatory


Simin, female, has been teaching for 18 years in a primary girls' school in Herat

In the past year (testimony from April 2023), I received only partial payments of my salary, and my meager income is insufficient for basic living expenses.

Teachers have never been highly esteemed in this society. I became a member of a teacher union because professional representation is crucial. However, our current circumstances are challenging, and I find myself extremely unhappy.

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Freba, a female teacher in a girls’ school in Balkh

Over the last two years, women in our country have encountered unprecedented restrictions, revealing a stark disregard for our humanity. Through our union we call for improved basic pay, professional autonomy, and enhanced social security.

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Anonymous, female, university professor

Before the Taliban came to power, I was teaching in a school. Two months after they came to power, I could no longer teach.

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Anonymous, ex-teacher, female

Most of my family members are teachers, mother, sister, and brother. With the arrival of the Taliban, we lost our jobs.

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